Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Self respect and Power

My first idea of power was dependent upon respect from others, whether forced respect or earned respect. I find that this is true of power in all of Mann’s sectors: economic, ideological, political, and military. However I question now what the notion of power means to an individual. It is surely possible to define power within a person who is in solitude, and lacks respect from others. I still would like to keep my claim about respect as a fuel for power,so an individual in solitude must rely on their own self-respect. For example, material resources can provide an outlet to power, especially for an individual in a survival situation. A lone person may feel a greater sense of power if resources are available to them, as their self-respect fuels their need for survival. Trying to survive takes the future into account, much like some of Hammurabi’s powerful actions. His law code and proclamations of himself as a King of Justice were not meant to be known in the present and future. Hammurabi's own self respect may have produced such laws and claims regardless of the current respect of others, but the future is still a motivating factor for producing them. Thus the motivation of possible respect in the future can also fuel power, whether it comes from self-respect to live another day or hope of remembrance by others for what one had accomplished.

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