Monday, February 28, 2011

Empire Evolution

The Assyrian Empire exploited the mechanism that it had: size and strength. Of course, it is obvious that an empire would use its superior size and strength to conquer and quell any civil uprisings, but unlike many of the empires prior to the Assyrians, the Assyrians made sure that their empire would be the it would have to final word in every matter. Unlike Hammurabi's Babylonia, there was not a mutual understanding and coalition between Babylonia and it's conquered territories, but rather, Assyria made
that it's conquered nation knew that Assyria was it's final authority. They used unconventional means to keep their subordinates in line and make sure that they abide by the laws.

One way the Assyrians accomplished this was through military force in which they oppressed their conquered neighbors and made sure that the wouldn't rise up against the empire. Utilizing their huge military force, the Assyrians used tactics that disheartened their opponents such as public humiliation, cruel and unusual punishment, and mass killings. This tactic was a means of controlling the people and making sure that they wouldn't rise against the empire, as happened to both Uruk and Babylonia.

Another tactic was to divide the conquered states into territories and make them pay tribute, The Assyrians had no problem in killing whole cities and razing them. So for those who were conquered, it was more about staying alive than to be obedient. Through this cruel method, the Assyrians revolutionized the way in which order and obedience was maintained in the conquered territories. It would pave the way future empires would keep a iron grasp on their conquered nations. Ultimately, such inhumane means of maintaining obedience would collapse the mighty Assyrian empire. However, such methods of military cruelty, oppressive tributes and taxes, and sheer brute strength is what made the Assyrian empire so dominant in Ancient Mesopotamia.

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